Dec 11 (Tues) Annual Rabun Chapter Christmas Dinner. 6:00-8:00 pm.
Who: All Chapter members and guests! When: Tuesday, Dec 11
Where: The Rock House, located at the Dillard House, Dillard, GA
Time: 6:00 pm
Cost: $35 per person
Please RSVP to Tony or Terri Allred by 12/3/18
Rabun Resident Elected to Chair State Council of Trout Unlimited
In the recent annual leadership election for Trout Unlimited, Dr. Kathy Breithaupt of Rabun County was elected as the Council Chair for Georgia Trout Unlimited.
Dr. Breithaupt has been an active member of the Rabun Chapter of Trout Unlimited and currently acts as secretary of the chapter.…
The Rabun Chapter will hold its annual Fall Chapter Campout on Nov 14 -18, 2018 at Oconee State Park, just across the SC line from Rabun County. It’s sure to be a great time for fish-ing and fellowship.
The Georgia Delayed Harvest trout season begins Nov 1 and the Chattooga River should be well-stocked by the…
Fellowship begins at 6:30 pm, meeting begins at 7:00 pm. Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church, Dillard, GA.
Contact Kent Wilson.
Meeting Topic: Discussion on Amendment One: the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Amendment.
A representative from the Conservation Fund will present a review of Amendment One, the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Amendment, which is to be presented on the ballot on November…
Report from Pat Hopton, Mack Martin Rod Raffle Coordinator
The drawing for the Mack Martin Rod Raffle was held July 19 at the annual Family Picnic. This year we sold 782 tickets and raised a total of $1,890. To compare, last year we sold 574 tickets and raised $1,490.
The winner of the rod raffle was Tony…
Sept 18 (Tues) Rabun Chapter Monthly Meeting. Fellowship begins at 6:30 pm, meeting begins at 7:00 pm. Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church, Dillard, GA.
Contact Kent Wilson.
Meeting Topic: Bluelining for Wild Trout
A north Georgia native, Wes McRlroy is a self/proclaimed fly fishing addict, and is always trying to soak up as much knowledge of the sport as…
Aug 25 (Sat) Rabun Chapter Stream Clean-Up Project.
Meet at first campsite on right on Timpson Creek Road at 9:00 am. Contact Justin English.
The response to last month’s report on BOD member Justin English’s work on removing graffiti from rocks at Darnell Creek was overwhelming! Justin’s good deed has inspired the Chapter to tackle another…
Mack Martin Rod Raffle
Fly Rod and Sage Reel Raffle
Winston 8 1/2 foot, 4-piece, 4 weight BII-X Custom boron/graphite rod & Sage 2230 fly reel
Raffle tickets $3 ea or 4 for $10
Drawing will be held July 19 at the Rabun Chapter Family Picnic
To purchase tickets for the custom built Winston fly rod built and donated…
Aug 21 (Tues) Rabun Chapter Monthly Meeting. Fellowship begins at 6:30 pm, meeting begins at 7:00 pm. Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church, Dillard, GA. Contact Kent Wilson.
Meeting Topic: The August meeting is going to be dedicated to the revival of the Rabun Rendezvous. Over the last couple of years our attendance is down and continues to…
July 19 (Thur) Annual Rabun Chapter Family Picnic (in lieu of monthly Chapter meeting)
Time: 5:00 pm – Fellowship & Dinner
7:00 pm – Drawing for the Mack Martin Rod Raffle
Where: Kelly’s Waterfall Park, at the end of Wayfarer Lane off GA Hwy 246,Dillard, GA