Aug 25 (Sat) Rabun Chapter Stream Clean-Up Project.
Meet at first campsite on right on Timpson Creek Road at 9:00 am. Contact Justin English.
The response to last month’s report on BOD member Justin English’s work on removing graffiti from rocks at Darnell Creek was overwhelming! Justin’s good deed has inspired the Chapter to tackle another similar project: picking up trash and cleaning graffiti from rocks along Timpson Creek.
Anyone wishing to volunteer for this stream clean-up project on Timpson Creek should meet at the first campsite on the right off the Timpson Creek Road, FS Road 162, on Saturday, Aug 25, at 9:00 am.
To get to the Timpson Creek Road, from Clayton, GA take US Hwy 76 West for 4.3 miles. Turn right (north) onto Hwy 76 Loop Road. Go 0.1 mile then turn right (north) onto an unnamed road, between two sections of fence. Go 0.1 mile then turn right (east) onto a woods road. Go 40 yards to the campsite.
There is limited parking at the campsite; carpooling is suggested and parking along the Timpson Creek Road may be necessary. Beyond this woods road the Timpson Creek Road gets a little rough, so use caution if you travel any further.
Now is your chance to show your support for cleaning up the environment while enjoying the fellowship of friends with the Rabun Chapter!
Contact Project Leader Justin English for more information.