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Yearly Archives: 2013

US Forest Service Southern Region Honors Georgians for work to Restore Brook Trout

US Forest Service Southern Region Honors Georgians for work to Restore Brook Trout Award recipients: Kevin McGrath and Alex Watson from Trout Unlimited; Jeff Durniak (Rabunite), Anthony Rabern, Lee Keefer, and Leon Brotherton from GA DNR; and Chattahoochee/ Oconee NF staff members Jim Wentworth, Jerry Wood, Mike Brod, David Vinson, Mike Joyce, and Mitzi Cole (now on…
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Jan 16: Chapter Meeting

January 16 (Thurs) Chapter Meeting at the TU/Scout Hut. Fly tying starts at 5:00. Bring your own equipment if you have it. 6:30 pm – 7:00 Social & Story telling (Truth or Lies), Then at 7:00 – Program & Meeting. “Angling Alaska” by Rabunite Kent Wilson is our guest speaker. Kent is a regular Alaskan fishing tourist. He’s got…
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Helicopter Stocking the Chattooga

Helicopter stocking the Chattooga River is accomplished through a cooperative effort by the Forest Service (supplies the manpower and helicopter), Rabun Chapter and GA Council Trout Unlimited and Atlanta Fly Fishing Club (pays for the helicopter flight time), and GA and SC Department of Natural Resources (supplies the fish). Please support Trout Unlimited through your membership…
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Nov 21: Chapter Meeting

Nov 21 (Thurs) Rabun TU monthly meeting. "Snagging more public trout waters" by Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest land acquisition specialist Al Foster. Learn about past, present, and future efforts to add Geor- gia trout stream acreage to the Forest Service inventory, and how we all can help this program! Fly Tying starts at 5:30, social 6:30 to 7:00. Meeting…
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