The Rabun Chapter of Trout Unlimited proudly presents...
A Celebration Of Rivers, Streams, Trout, and Trout Fishing.
Please Join Us for the 31st Annual Rabun Rendezvous
“The Rendezvous was unlike anything before or since, a gathering of uninhibited men down from the mountains. The event attracted perhaps a hundred mountain men, their indian wives, and…
Save the Date!
Jim Casade will be our guest speaker. Jim has been a lover of the outdoors and a sportsman all his life. For more info on Jim click here! Get your plans made now so you don’t miss out on great Food, Fun and Fellowship with all the Rabunites!
As of this date looks like we’re going back to the Dillard House. All details will be emailed soon!
Parking and access to the trails going up both sides of the River got a little better this summer thanks to the USFS folks and four of the local TU chapters in Ga and SC. The parking areas on both sides of the Chattooga Delayed Harvest (DH) section at the HY 28 bridge received much…
Regular monthly meeting at Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church starting at 6:30. Meeting starts at 7 with a guest speaker followed by brief meeting then our monthly raffle.
Program: "Flyfishing Smiles with our Georgia Gals". Guest speaker will be Beverly Booth. She will update us on Georgia TU's participation in Casting for Recovery.
At every regular chapter meeting there…
Rabun Chapter TU Fall Campout
At Oconee State Park, near Walhalla, SC
Reserve your own site, but all the cooking, storytelling, campfire sitting, etc will be at Site #93.
We will eat breakfast and supper together, lunch is on you own. Meals are $5 per meal, unless you volunteer to cook a meal - then they are free!
Sept. 23 (Sat): Save the date for the annual Unicoi Outdoor Adventure Day. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!
It's that time of the year again! Interested volunteers should reply to me, preferably by email ([email protected]) Office phone:770-535-5498 and fax 5953.
Please consider volunteering to help us at Unicoi State Park's Outdoor Adventure Day to celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day on…
Regular monthly meeting at Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church starting at 6:30. Meeting starts at 7 with a guest speaker followed by brief meeting then our monthly raffle.
Our Meeting Place is at Rabun Gap Presbyterian church Fellowship Hall.
Social & Story telling (Truth or Lies) starts At 6:30 pm, then at 7:00 – Program & Meeting. The…
Ticket sales began for the Rod Raffle after the Dream Trip drawing was held in mid-March. Several Rabun BOD members along with myself sold tickets on their own and at our events. Tickets sold the best at Trout Camp. A total of 574 tickets sold raising a total of $1490.00
The drawing was held on Thursday,…
July 20 (Thurs): Annual Summer Family Picnic at Kelly’s Waterfall Park, Dillard, GA. TU will provide the chicken and utensils so just bring out a covered dish and come enjoy the fellowship with your fellow Rabunites. We will also be drawing for the Rod Raffle so be sure to get your tickets!
Directions to the Park:…