April 17 (Tues) Monthly Chapter Meeting. 6:30 pm at Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church. Program will be “Dark Thirty Fishing” by Past Prez Pat Hopton.
At every regular chapter meeting there will be a raffle for fishing or camping items to help pay the cost of mailing the newsletter to members without email and to raise money…
April 8-13 (Sun-Fri) Fishing and Fellowship Trip to Shenandoah National Park. Contact Mike Fuller.
April 7 (Sat): Rabunite 101. Beginning Fly-Fishing Seminar 8:30 am until 1:00 pm. Clayton Methodist Creative Learning Center/ Gym . Cost is only $25.00. Event limited to 28 participants. Sign-up sheet on page 4 of the February 2018 newsletter.
March 20 (Tues): Regular monthly meeting for Rabun TU starting at 6:30.
The March program will be “business travel trouting tips” by the Foothills Chapter TU’s frequent flyer, Bob Lux. Bob, the chapter’s newsletter editor, has perfected the art of packing light to pack in some fishing along with his distant business travel far to the…
One winner will be drawn for the grand prize and will choose a partner to accompany them on the trip. Several other tickets will be drawn for the runner-up prizes which include: custom-made rods, fishing trips and flies. The seller of the grand prize winning ticket will also receive a prize. The ticket price is…
Where: Tallulah Falls School, Clayton, Georgia
When: June 2-7, 2019 (Sunday – Friday)
Boys and Girls, 13-15 Years Old
Calling all Trout Campers!
Learn and Practice the Sport of Fly Fishing
Study Sound Conservation Practices
Enjoy a Fun and Rewarding Experience
A brochure describing camp activities is available: 2019 Trout Camp Brochure
What will campers be doing?…
Each year Trout Unlimited (National) recognizes individual members, Councils and Chapters for outstanding work in several categories. This year Mack Martin of the Cohutta Chapter received the Distinguished Service Youth Education Award. Since the beginning of the Georgia Trout Camp in 2004, Mack has been a driving force to see that the camp provides the…
Back in August during the eclipse, a local Clayton business, Wander North Georgia, with the permission from the City of Clayton held a camping event on the City of Clayton property. Wander representative, Josh Brown, told the council that if any profit was made from the event that they would turn it over to the City for…
If you have or know of a young boy or girl between the ages of 12-15 years old who is fully crazy about Trout Fishing this camp is for them. The camp is held at Rabun Gap Nacoochee School. For 2018 the dates are June 3-8 (Sunday - Friday). Twenty four kids will be chosen…
Tuesday Feb 20: Regular monthly meeting starting at 6:30. Our speaker for the evening will be our own Brian Weeks. Like many in our group Brian is part trout so for those wanting to learn and improve any and all fishing skills.... He’s the man! Brian’s topic will be Winter Trouting Tips. In other words if you’ve ever wished that wintertime wasn't offseason…