February, 2021 Chapter Meeting Tuesday, Feb 16 at 7:00 pm Meeting by Zoom: “Hope Springs Eternal” by Steve Hudson
For the Rabun TU’s February 16 zoom program flyfishing author and instructor Steve Hudson reunites (virtually) with his Rabunite buddies at 7:00 pm for “Hope Springs Eternal.” Zoom in as Steve prepares us for the spring fishing season.…
A Sneak Peek into the March Rabun Chapter Meeting
Topic: New Ways to Make A Difference, Emerging TU Tools to Help Conserve, Protect and Restore Trout in Georgia
Presenters: Jeff Wright, TU Southeast Coordinator and Sarah Baker, GA DNR Trout Biologist
The last year has been difficult for TU members throughout the country. With many…
We want to continue our efforts to conserve trout waters in Rabun County. Our team welcomes your help. While you are out fishing, if you see areas that could be improved or re- paired, such as erosion problems, stream siltation, streamside or in-stream trash, feel free to take pictures, identify the issue and location, and…
7 PM
Rabun TU’s January 19 zoom program will be “Taking Better Fishing Fotos” by longtime chapter friend and commercial photographer David Cannon.
David’s pics and stories, from the Amazon to Alaska, are now seen in national magazines and cata- logs from Cabelas to Gray’s Sporting Journal. His latest work is a Georgia photo…
“Tips and Tricks from the Chattooga River Fly Shop”Tuesday, Nov 17 at 7:00 pm
To be held using Zoom video conferencing.
Please join our November Zoom program as Chattooga River Fly Shop owners Karl and Karen give us some hot tips for fishing the upstate (including our favorite bor- der river!) and update us on…
“Heavy Metal, Fish-head Bangers and Passing on Genes: Tails from the Smokies”
Tuesday, Oct 20 at 7:00 pm
To be held using Zoom video conferencing.
Veteran Rabunites will recall Matt’s excellent program to us at Tallulah Gorge State Park years ago. We learned about native brook trout restoration and some hot Smokies fishing tips for specks,…
June 8 (Sat). Tallulah River Kid’s Fishing Event. 8:00 am at Tallulah River Campground.
July 21 (Tues) Rabun Chapter Monthly Meeting. 7:00 pm by Zoom conferencing. Final program details and a meeting password will come soon. Contact Jeff Durniak.
Meet Your Game Warden”
Tuesday, July 21 at 7:00 pm
To be held using Zoom video conferencing.
The GA Department of Natural Resource’s new Rabun County game warden is Ethan Franklin. He’s got…
The Rabun Chapter recently donated funds to help pay for a new kiosk to be located at the Burrells Ford Bridge, near the trailhead to Ellicotts Rock. The kiosk will encourage visitors to practice “Leave No Trace” outdoor recreation.
July 16 (Thur) Rabun Chapter Annual Family Picnic. 6:30 pm at Kellys Water Fall Park in Dillard, GA. CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19.