Nov. 4 - 8 (Wed - Sun) FALL CAMPOUT!! Kathy Breithaupt coordinating. Will need volunteer chefs for each breakfast and supper meal. Meal’s will be $5.00 per person per meal.
We’ll camp at Oconee State Park just across the Chattooga River in SC…near the DH section of the Chattooga which begins on Nov 1st. Site reservations…
Oct. 15 (Thurs) Regular monthly meeting. Details of meeting to come.
Sept 26 (Sat) Go ahead and get it on your calendar to save the date for Outdoor Adventure Day at Unicoi State Park !
Sept. 19 (Sat) “Tie-1-On” Bass Pro Shop. Volunteers needed. Contact Terry Rivers.
Nov. 19 (Thurs) Regular monthly meeting, still at Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church. Social starts at 6:30 and Meeting at 7 pm . This month we have a presentation from a Rabunite favorite Steve Hudson. Steve has an awesome new program he will be sharing with us called “The Line on Leaders.” Every flyfisher uses leaders, and…
As we have all read in the paper, and heard through the grapevine, the Scout Hut has been condemned and we are again in search of a home--a place that the Rabun Chapter of Trout Unlimited can call its own. The Scouts have found a home at the American Legion building in Mountain City, and they…
Sept. 17 (Thurs) Regular Monthly Meeting. Will let you know about Fly Tying. Social at 6:30 and meeting at 7:00. The subject matter from our guest speaker will be about Brook Trout!! “ Brook trout response to habitat improvements" by Ga DNR Senior biologist Anthony Rabern. Leon taught us the "how" in his program and…
August 20 (Thurs) Regular Monthly Meeting. Fly Tying starts at 5 pm, social at 6:30 and meeting at 7:00. See you there.
Due to the scout hut being deemed "uninhabitable," we are left without a permanent home for our meetings. Click here to read more. But for the August meeting we will be gathering at Rabun…
July 25 (Sat) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Stream Restoration Project. We will be joining other TU Chapters to work on Martin Branch over in White County.
Join fellow TU folks for a day of conservation. We will be joining Upper Chattahoochee River, Foothills, Oconee River, Middle Georgia,
and the Savannah River TU Chapters for a brook trout stream restoration…
July 22 (Wed) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Annual Chattooga River Electro shocking. This year we will be working on the up- per section of the river- Ellicott's Rock. Meet at Burrell's ford at 8:00 am. Pack a lunch and plenty of water! See you on the river.