From this day forward be a part of the official Jeff Durniak fishing buddy list. This is your chance to get to fish with one of the best. To join the buddy list just forward Jeff your contact info including email and cell phone number. Whenever Jeff takes a notion to head out fishing he…
May 28 (Sat) Betty’s Creek Stream Improvement Work Day. Getting the stream ready for Trout Camp the following week.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! 9 AM to noon. Bring your gloves and work tools. For more info contact Charlie Breithaupt at 706-782-6954 or at [email protected]. ANOTHER GREAT CHANCE TO HELP OUR CHAPTER IN PASSING IT ON!
May 17 (Tues) Annual Spring Family Cookout with Scouts.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Mentoring - Annual Spring Scouts Family Picnic. Boy & Girl Scout Troops are our guests. Volunteers needed to mentor the Scouts.
Starts at 3:30 at Indian Lake on the campus of RGNS.
Bring along a dish to go with the burgers and dogs pro- vided by our chapter.…