Fly Rod and Sage Reel Raffle!
Winston 9-foot, 4-piece, 5-weight BIII-x
Boron/Graphite rod & Sage 3250 Reel
Raffle Tickets $3 each or 4 for $10
Drawing will be July 16, 2015, at the Rabun TU Chapter Picnic.
Tickets available at the monthly meetings, from Kent Wilson and other board members or swing by Crawford Art Gallery if you’re in town…
May 30 (Sat): Betty’s Creek Stream Improvement. Getting the stream ready for Trout Camp! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED !! Contact Charlie Breithaupt if you can help.
Our annual Scouts Day spring fishing and cook out at Indian Lake. This takes the place of our regular monthly meeting. So everyone plan on coming and enjoying the evening with the scouts.
The campout will be held at the Cherry Hill Campground, Oconee County, SC. Campsite daily fees are $10 ($5 for codgers with a card). Make reservations online. Terry Rivers will act as camp commandant for this campout since Glenn English will be having hip surgery in April.
COOK VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you can commit to cooking…
May 16 (Sat): Quarterly meeting of the Georgia TU council 9AM TO NOON. Rabun Chapter is hosting the meeting at Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church. ALL ARE WELCOME!!
Special Message from Kathy Breithaupt:
As you may know the GA Council for TU meets quarterly at different locations around the state. This coming Saturday, May 16th, this meeting will…
Rabun TU will be there from 10:00 till 2:00 selling raffle tickets, talking about TU to other guests there to help Reeves celebrate their anniversary.
Join us!! Don’t miss out on something GREAT!
Our Meeting Place is the TU/Scout Hut
On the third Thursday of the month.
US 76 west, the brick building located behind the Rabun County Library. Parking is available in the Rabun County Library parking lot and Rabun County Tax Office parking lot.
Fly Tying for all ages starts at 5pm
Don’t miss…