Today's Georgia Trout Campers are the next generation of conservation leaders.
Information brochure (.pdf)
Application (.pdf)
Boys and Girls, 12 to 15 years old
Learn and Practice the Sport of Fly Fishing
Study Sound Conservation Practices
Enjoy a Fun and Rewarding Experience!
Camp Dates: June 4-9, 2017
Cost: $500 per camper
What will campers be doing? Here is the Daily Schedule 2016 and…
June 3 (Sat): Annual Kids Fishing Rodeo on Tallulah River starting at 8AM. We coordinate every year with USFS and DNR for the great event for the kids! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! A great chance to help pass it on!!
May 16 (Tues): Annual Scouts Fishing and cookout at Indian Lake.
Our annual beginning fly fishing course for ages 18 and over will be held again this year. Contact Charlie Breithaupt at 706-782-6954 for more information.
Ever wanted to try your hand at fly-fishing for trout but never learned the in’s and out’s of it?
Ever wonder why some people seem to get so “hooked” on it?
Now’s your…
Subject: Unicoi Outdoor Adventure Day (Saturday, Sept 24, 2016)
It's that time of the year again! Interested volunteers should reply to William Goldman ([email protected] ). William’s phone: 770-535- 5498, and fax 5953.
Call for Volunteers: Please consider volunteering to help us at Unicoi State Park's Outdoor Adventure Day to celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day on Saturday,…
This year the number of graduates from Trout Camp went over the “300” mark. As we closed up our thirteenth camp, we reflected on all the years and realized that some of our graduates are approaching 30 years old and some of our campers this year weren’t even born when we held our first camp.…
Know a young boy or girl between the ages of 12 and 15 who loves fishing and the great outdoors? Check out Georgia Trout Camp. A great opportunity to turn that interest into a lifelong passion.
For more info and application click here.
June 4 (Sat) Annual USFS Kids Fishing Rodeo. 8AM- 1PM on the Tallulah River.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Always a great time watching all the kids catch fish!! And another chance to work with fellow Rabunites in Passing it ON !! For more info contact Steve Perry at [email protected]
May 17 (Tues) Annual Spring Family Cookout with Scouts.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Mentoring - Annual Spring Scouts Family Picnic. Boy & Girl Scout Troops are our guests. Volunteers needed to mentor the Scouts.
Starts at 3:30 at Indian Lake on the campus of RGNS.
Bring along a dish to go with the burgers and dogs pro- vided by our chapter.…
March 19 (Sat) Rabunite 101. Beginning fly fishing Seminar.
Ever wanted to try your hand at fly-fishing for trout but never learned the in’s and out’s of it?
Ever wonder why some people seem to get so “hooked” on it?
Now’s your chance! The Rabun Chapter of Trout Unlimited is planning a half-day fly-fishing seminar for adults…