June 15 (Sat) Tallulah River Kids Fishing Event. To be held at Tallulah River Campground from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Sponsored by the US Forest Service and the Rabun Chapter.
To be held at Tallulah Falls School. More information
There will be no monthly Rabun Chapter meeting in April. Instead, you are invited to the
Annual Scouts Appreciation Dinner and Fishing Event
Tuesday, April 16
Indian Lake Picnic Area, Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School, Rabun Gap, GA Fishing begins at 4:00 pm Supper begins at 6:00 pm All Rabun County Boy and Girl Scouts, leaders, and…
Download this flyer with the registration form!
Ever wanted to try your hand at fly-fishing for trout but never learned the in’s and out’s of it?
Ever wonder why some people seem to get so “hooked” on it?
Now’s your chance! The Rabun Chapter of Trout Unlimited is planning a half-day fly-fishing seminar for adults (male and female…
June 3-8 (Sun-Fri) Trout Camp at Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School. Sponsored by the Georgia Council.
June 2 (Sat) Kids Fishing Event at Tallulah River. 8:00 am—12:00 pm. Sponsored by the Rabun Chapter.
Kids Fishing Rodeo at Tallulah River Campground, Clayton, GA
8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Fish in a stocked river
Hot dog lunch with chips and drink
Win prizes
Meet Forest Service Rangers…
April 7 (Sat): Rabunite 101. Beginning Fly-Fishing Seminar 8:30 am until 1:00 pm. Clayton Methodist Creative Learning Center/ Gym . Cost is only $25.00. Event limited to 28 participants. Sign-up sheet on page 4 of the February 2018 newsletter.
Where: Tallulah Falls School, Clayton, Georgia
When: June 2-7, 2019 (Sunday – Friday)
Boys and Girls, 13-15 Years Old
Calling all Trout Campers!
Learn and Practice the Sport of Fly Fishing
Study Sound Conservation Practices
Enjoy a Fun and Rewarding Experience
A brochure describing camp activities is available: 2019 Trout Camp Brochure
What will campers be doing?…
If you have or know of a young boy or girl between the ages of 12-15 years old who is fully crazy about Trout Fishing this camp is for them. The camp is held at Rabun Gap Nacoochee School. For 2018 the dates are June 3-8 (Sunday - Friday). Twenty four kids will be chosen…
Sept. 23 (Sat): Save the date for the annual Unicoi Outdoor Adventure Day. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!
It's that time of the year again! Interested volunteers should reply to me, preferably by email ([email protected]) Office phone:770-535-5498 and fax 5953.
Please consider volunteering to help us at Unicoi State Park's Outdoor Adventure Day to celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day on…