View a photo gallery of the Rabun Rendezvous
“The Rendezvous was unlike anything before or since, a gathering of uninhibited men down from the mountains. The event attracted perhaps a hundred mountain men, their Indian wives, and assorted visiting tribesmen. Amusements included gambling, drinking, storytelling – continuing day and night.”
—The Mountain Men by George Laycock
2017 Rabun…
Nov. 15 (Tues): Regular monthly meeting of the Rabun TU Chapter.
Join us for our regular monthly meetings every third Tuesday of the month. Our Meeting Place is at Rabun Gap Presbyterian church Fellowship Hall.
Social & Story telling (Truth or Lies) starts At 6:30 pm, then at 7:00 – Program & Meeting. The church is located…
Dec. 6 (Tues): Our annual Christmas Dinner. Our dinner this year will be held at Amore Dining Room & Event Facility located next to the Moon Pie Pizzeria at 7110 Highway 441N, Suite C in Dillard, Georgia on
Tuesday, December 6th beginning at 6:00 P. M. Meal cost is $30.00 per person. They do have a bar on the
Aug. 16 (Tues): Regular monthly meeting of the Ra- bun TU Chapter. Our guest speaker will be Kathy Church. Kathy is the new Education Coordinator at Smithgall Woods State Park. She replaced retired coordinator Shelia Humphrey. Kathy will be sharing with us what all she is planning for youth outreach for the future. A great chance…
July 14 (Tues) Annual Rabun TU Annual Family Picnic. Kelly’s Creek Park. Always a great fun and fellowship with the Rabunites. Chapter provides the chicken. Bring a covered dish and join in for a great evening!
May 17 (Tues) Annual Spring Family Cookout with Scouts.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Mentoring - Annual Spring Scouts Family Picnic. Boy & Girl Scout Troops are our guests. Volunteers needed to mentor the Scouts.
Starts at 3:30 at Indian Lake on the campus of RGNS.
Bring along a dish to go with the burgers and dogs pro- vided by our chapter.…
April 19, (Tues) Regular monthly meeting of Rabun TU. Social starts at 6:30 and meeting at 7:00.
"Q and A" with the Georgia Council Grand Poobah. GATU chairman Carl Riggs will give an update on TU's statewide initiatives and will welcome your questions. The partnership between local chapters and TU state leaders creates successes, from GA…
March 15 (Tues) Rabun TU regular monthly meeting at Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church. Social starts at 6:30 and meeting at 7 pm. Our own Rabunite Dredger will be the guest speaker. His program will be "Dredger's Dry/Dropper Secrets for Springtime Success.” Being the middle of March his knowledge will be priceless in getting ready for…
Feb. 16 (Tues):
Rabun TU regular monthly meeting at Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church. Social starts at 6:30 and meeting at 7 pm. Our guest speaker is Chad Bryson who lives in Dillard. Chad was the fishing guide for some Rabunites last summer on a trip to Naknek River Camp in Alaska. Chad guides for the lodge and for…
Feb. 6 (Sat): (Date is tentative) Annual Planning Meeting at the Dillard House. Everyone welcome. We will be planning out our activities over the next year after feasting on a deli- cious breakfast!! Great time to fellowship and work together and Breakfast is on US! Starts at 8 AM.