Mack Martin Rod Raffle
Fly Rod and Sage Reel Raffle
Winston 8 1/2 foot, 4-piece, 4 weight BII-X Custom boron/graphite rod & Sage 2230 fly reel
Raffle tickets $3 ea or 4 for $10
Drawing will be held July 19 at the Rabun Chapter Family Picnic
To purchase tickets for the custom built Winston fly rod built and donated…
Aug 21 (Tues) Rabun Chapter Monthly Meeting. Fellowship begins at 6:30 pm, meeting begins at 7:00 pm. Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church, Dillard, GA. Contact Kent Wilson.
Meeting Topic: The August meeting is going to be dedicated to the revival of the Rabun Rendezvous. Over the last couple of years our attendance is down and continues to…
July 19 (Thur) Annual Rabun Chapter Family Picnic (in lieu of monthly Chapter meeting)
Time: 5:00 pm – Fellowship & Dinner
7:00 pm – Drawing for the Mack Martin Rod Raffle
Where: Kelly’s Waterfall Park, at the end of Wayfarer Lane off GA Hwy 246,Dillard, GA
June 19 (Tues) Rabun Chapter Monthly Meeting. 6:30 pm at Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church. Contact Kent Wilson.
June 2 (Sat) Kids Fishing Event at Tallulah River. 8:00 am—12:00 pm. Sponsored by the Rabun Chapter.
Kids Fishing Rodeo at Tallulah River Campground, Clayton, GA
8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Fish in a stocked river
Hot dog lunch with chips and drink
Win prizes
Meet Forest Service Rangers…
MARCH - 21st : Tuckaseigee River delayed harvest APRIL – 3rd : Smith Creek DH
APRIL – 8th thru 13th : Shenandoah Nat. Park VA. This is a away trip and we will fish the Shenando- ah. Some will camp @ Shenandoah Hills Campgrounds and others will stay at Graves Mountain Lodge. For details call me.…
March 20 (Tues): Regular monthly meeting for Rabun TU starting at 6:30.
The March program will be “business travel trouting tips” by the Foothills Chapter TU’s frequent flyer, Bob Lux. Bob, the chapter’s newsletter editor, has perfected the art of packing light to pack in some fishing along with his distant business travel far to the…
Tuesday Feb 20: Regular monthly meeting starting at 6:30. Our speaker for the evening will be our own Brian Weeks. Like many in our group Brian is part trout so for those wanting to learn and improve any and all fishing skills.... He’s the man! Brian’s topic will be Winter Trouting Tips. In other words if you’ve ever wished that wintertime wasn't offseason…
The Rabun Chapter of Trout Unlimited proudly presents...
A Celebration Of Rivers, Streams, Trout, and Trout Fishing.
Please Join Us for the 31st Annual Rabun Rendezvous
“The Rendezvous was unlike anything before or since, a gathering of uninhibited men down from the mountains. The event attracted perhaps a hundred mountain men, their indian wives, and…
Save the Date!
Jim Casade will be our guest speaker. Jim has been a lover of the outdoors and a sportsman all his life. For more info on Jim click here! Get your plans made now so you don’t miss out on great Food, Fun and Fellowship with all the Rabunites!