March 20 (Thurs): Regular Monthly Meeting at the new TU/Scout Hut.
“Stripping Streamers for trophy trout “ by Unicoi Outfitters guide & asst. manager Jake Darling. Jake’s “Big Fat Resume” is impres-sive and rumor has it he may spill some secrets to a select few Rabunites gathered at the hut. Don’t miss out on this chance…
Feb 20 (Thurs): Regular Monthly Meeting a the new TU/Scout Hut.
“Readying Your Vest for Spring” by Steve Perry will be the program. Steve is a veteran trout fisherman & Rabunite 101 Instructor. Just about all anglers can pick up a tip or two to prepare for the new trout season to catch more fish.
Fly tying…
Feb 8 (Sat): Annual Planning Meeting at 8 am Breakfast at the Dillard House.
If you weren’t at the 2014 Rabun Rendezvous, then you missed an amazingly good time. The numbers are still coming in, but here are some preliminary results:
We had 297 adults and children in attendance. All Trout Unlimited Chapters in Georgia were represented with the exception of one; TU Chapters from South Carolina and North Carolina were…
January 16 (Thurs) Chapter Meeting at the TU/Scout Hut.
Fly tying starts at 5:00. Bring your own equipment if you have it.
6:30 pm – 7:00 Social & Story telling (Truth or Lies), Then at 7:00 – Program & Meeting.
“Angling Alaska” by Rabunite Kent Wilson is our guest speaker. Kent is a regular Alaskan fishing tourist. He’s got…
Dec 10 (Tue) Regular Meeting for our CHRISTMAS DINNER, Rabun Manor Inn, Dillard, GA.
6:00 PM $25.00 per person.
More details soon!
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Nov 21 (Thurs) Rabun TU monthly meeting.
"Snagging more public trout waters" by Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest land acquisition specialist Al Foster.
Learn about past, present, and future efforts to add Geor- gia trout stream acreage to the Forest Service inventory, and how we all can help this program! Fly Tying starts at 5:30, social 6:30 to 7:00.
Oct 19 (Sat) Ladies Fly Fishing Clinic, 11 to 3 PM, hosted by Foothills & Rabun TU Chapters on private waters of the Soque Rivers.
Limited to 20 ladies @ $50 each.
Volunteer Mentors needed to help with roll casting instruction and fish landing.
For details, contact Michele Crawford (706) 490-4574 or by email [email protected]
Oct 17 (Thurs) Meeting
6:30 pm – Social & Yarn Spinning 7:00 pm – Program & Meeting
(You don’t have to believe the yarns if you don’t want to . . .)
Program: Karl Eckberg (Chattooga River Fly Shop) Tips for Fishing the Chattooga DH
He is going to be giving tips on fishing the Delayed Harvest this upcoming season!!
************FLY TYING…
Oct 12 (Sat) Fall Stream Clean-up on the West Fork of the Chattooga River. Volunteers needed. We will carpool from the campout and meet at the Overflow Camping Area/Canoe Launch off Forest Service Road 86 at 9:00 am. For more information, contact Wayne Prosser at (706) 746-6293 or by email at [email protected].
This workday will be…