2013 Rod Raffle Winner
SAGE ONE Series, 4 wt., 4 piece, 9' Fly Rod & SAGE 2030 reel - $1000 value
The winner is Charlie Pennington of Dillard, GA, who was presented the rod and reel. Charlie is renewing his TU membership that he had previously allowed to expire.
Thanks to all that participated and to Kent Wilson,…
Sept 28 (Sat) Outdoor Adventure Day at Unicoi S.P./Smith Creek
TU Volunteers needed!
FROM Jeff Durniak - Regional Fisheries Supervisor, WRD:
Please consider volunteering to help us at Unicoi State Park's Outdoor Adventure Day to celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day on Saturday, 9/28/13. You don't have to be an expert outdoorsman or woman to play a vital role…
Sept 19 (Thurs)
6:30 pm – Social & Yarn Spinning 7:00 pm – Program & Meeting
(You don’t have to believe the yarns if you don’t want to . . .)
Program: Seth Sullivan - Life as a Brookie Intern
Troop 6 Scout Hut, next to the Rabun County Library
US 76 west, the brick building located behind the Rabun County…
Congratulations to Rabunite Broderick Crawford, whose design of a Brook Trout surfacing for a fly was chosen by the public in a voting process as the new GA Wildlife license plate! The new tags are a one-time first purchase fee of $60.00 then a $35.00 renewal fee each year. A portion of the fees goes…
Aug 15 (Thurs) Meeting, 6:30 PM
Troop 6 Scout Hut
Program: Steve Hudson - Bluelining 101 -- an introduction to the science and art of "bluelining" (hitting headwater streams).
Beginning in August, 2013 the Rabun Chapter monthly meetings will be held the third Thursday of each month, except for July and December, to be held at the “Scout Hut”, located…
Spring Camping & Fishing Outing, Location Cherry Hill C.G. High water...real high water...was the significant feature of the Rabun Chapter Campout at Cherry Hill. Fishing, wading and catching were all difficult but some Rabunites did prevail. Some smaller streams were explored and success was found there. Compared to previous chapter campouts the crowd was sparse.…
July 16 (Tues) Annual Chapter Family Picnic, 6 PM, Kelly’s Water Falls Park. Custom rod raffle winner will be drawn (see page 2 of this newsletter).
The Rabun Chapter has started a new youth outreach with the Boy and Girl Scouts of Rabun County! The Scouts meet on Tuesday nights, which have also been the nights the Rabun Chapter met. In order to accommodate their schedule and allow the Scouts to be included in the Chapter meetings, we are changing the day of week for…
Apr 13 (Sat) In-stream Workday – Hedden Creek. A 44-member strong conservation conclave descended upon the Double Bit campground to do good deeds for wild brown trout. This multigenerational gang followed the lead of Forest Service and GADNR fisheries technicians and repaired nine trout habitat improvement structures, placed into Hedden Creek decades ago by the…
Many of our members have expressed an interest in contacting other chapter members. Many times this has been to coordinate fishing trips, extend invitations to participate in chapter meetings and events, follow up on a member who is ill or to offer condolences and expressions of sympathy. Why can we not use our directory of…