Oct 15 (Tues) Rabun Chapter Monthly Meeting. Fellowship begins at 6:30 pm, meeting begins at 7:00 pm. Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church, Dillard, GA. Contact Kent Wilson.
Ryan Foote, District Ranger of the Chattooga River Ranger District, Chattahoochee- Oconee National Forest and Robbie Sitzlar, District Ranger of the Andrew Pickens Ranger District, Sumter National Forest will be presenting a summary of the findings from the Up- per Chattooga River Recreation Monitoring Study Report recently made available to the public in July 2019. CLICK HERE to read the report.
This study synthesizes a two-year monitoring effort of recreation uses, including hiking, backpacking, fishing, and boating, within the Wild & Scenic River section located up- stream of GA Hwy 28.
The report is meant to assess current recreational management strategies, as well as guide future Forest Service decisions regarding this amazing natural resource.
Following this presentation, they will further provide a summary of ongoing and potential future management activities across the Chattooga River and Andrew Pickens Districts.