Nov. 19 (Thurs) Regular monthly meeting, still at Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church. Social starts at 6:30 and Meeting at 7 pm. This month we have a presentation from a Rabunite favorite Steve Hudson. Steve has an awesome new program he will be sharing with us called “The Line on Leaders.” Every flyfisher uses leaders, and there are many different types to choose from. But which leader is the best one to use? What length? What size? What type? And how to do set up that leader once you’ve made your choice? This program will answer those questions. We’ll explore the pluses and minuses of various leader types, and we’ll see how to set up leaders for a variety of fishing situations. We’ll even look at how you can make several different types of leaders yourself! Don’t miss out on this very informative meeting. Bring and item and a dollar or two for our monthly raffle.