Mar. 21 (Tues): Regular monthly meeting of Rabun TU. Social starts at 6:30, then meeting at 7.
Join us for our regular monthly meetings every third Tuesday of the month. Our Meeting Place is at Rabun Gap Presbyterian church Fellowship Hall.
Social & Story telling (Truth or Lies) starts At 6:30 pm, then at 7:00 – Program & Meeting. The church is located just past Rabun Gap Nachoochee School at 8397 Wolffork Road, Rabun Gap, GA 30568.
At every regular chapter meeting there will be a raffle for fishing or camping items to help pay the cost of mailing the newsletter to members without email and to raise money to pay for our storage building. Bring an item to donate and a dollar or two for raffle tickets.
This month’s topic is so appropriate with heavy spring fishing season upon us. The topic is: “Rattlesnakes in Rabun: Biology, Myths, and Safety.” Our speaker is Dr. Christopher Jenkins. Chris is CEO of the Orianne Society and faculty at University of Georgia. He is also the founding Chairman for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Viper Specialist Group where he coordinates a network of viper conservation biologists from over 40 countries. Chris lives on Betty’s Creek and is an avid sportsman who spends a portion of most days on the ridges and along the rivers of Rabun. Chris will present on rattlesnake biology with a focus on busting many of the myths that exist and he will finish with advice on snake bite prevention and safety for fisherman on local rivers. We’ll also have a monthly raffle. This will be a great meeting for everyone!! Chris always presents a program to remember!! TELL EVERYONE!!