Aug 15 (Thurs) Meeting, 6:30 PM
Troop 6 Scout Hut
Program: Steve Hudson - Bluelining 101 -- an introduction to the science and art of "bluelining" (hitting headwater streams).
Beginning in August, 2013 the Rabun Chapter monthly meetings will be held the third Thursday of each month, except for July and December, to be held at the “Scout Hut”, located…
July 16 (Tues) Annual Chapter Family Picnic, 6 PM, Kelly’s Water Falls Park. Custom rod raffle winner will be drawn (see page 2 of this newsletter).
June 18 (Tues) 6:30 PM,
RE/MAX Office
Program: "From Two Inches to Ten Pounds, the Wild Browns of the Hooch Tailwater"
By Patrick O'Rouke, Fisheries Biologist with the GA WRD.
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The Rabunite 101 class welcomed 22 participants for a half-day workshop in the basics of fly fishing on March 23. They learned casting, entomology, knots and equipment at the Rabun County Rec Center. Passing it on!