Tuesday, January 17
Fellowship Hall of Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church 8397 Wolffork Road, Rabun Gap, GA Fellowship starts at 6:30 pm, Program starts at 7:00 pm
“Preparations for the 2023 Rabun Rendezvous” and “Rabunite Revival”
Presented By Ray King and Jeff Durniak
Ray will give us an update on preparations for the event, including how you can help. This is the primary fund-raising event for the Chapter and we need as many volunteers as possible.
Jeff will discuss our BOD proposal to revive and reinvigorate our chapter in the new year. We are looking for your feedback on the concept of Conservation, Outreach, and Socialization teams to lead our chapter priorities. Come and comment on the proposed organization chart and the duties for each team. Most importantly, look for your own niche on a team or two that you’d be willing to fill. We look forward to your feedback!