July 21 (Tues) Rabun Chapter Monthly Meeting. 7:00 pm by Zoom conferencing. Final program details and a meeting password will come soon. Contact Jeff Durniak.
Meet Your Game Warden”
Tuesday, July 21 at 7:00 pm
To be held using Zoom video conferencing.
The GA Department of Natural Resource’s new Rabun County game warden is Ethan Franklin. He’s got a great pedigree! A native of Habersham County, Ethan has done DNR tours as a brook trout intern for Leon Brotherton, a wildlife technician, and finally as a DNR Law Enforcement officer. And his mom, Shari, was Jeff Durniak’s office manager.
Come and learn more about Ethan’s hunting and fishing heritage, his commitment to conservation, and his desire to have your eyes and ears helping him to protect our natural resources.
Final program details and a meeting password will come soon, so consider joining our video conference and virtually reuniting as Rabunites.