(This annual report is required to maintain the Chapter’s tax-exempt status)
Total Revenue (Cash inflow) – $31,030
Total Expenses (Program services – $18,767; Membership and General – $2275; Fundraising & Admin – $8,472) – $29,236 Total Assets (Cash, Receivables, CDs, Inventory) – $23,629
Total Liabilities – $0
Estimated Volunteer Hours: Conservation (restoration, connection, protection, and advocacy projects) – 370 hours
Estimated Volunteer Hours: Youth Education – 590 hours
Estimated Volunteer Hours: General Education – 770 hours
Estimated Volunteer Hours: Communication – 615 hours
Estimated Volunteer Hours: Fundraising – 520 hours
General Operations (newsletter, website, membership, programs, reports) – 770 hours
Total Estimated Volunteer Hours – 3,355 hours
The Chapter Effectiveness Index (CEI) is 94 of a possible 100.